Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Virginia's reaction to Cai's adoption proposal

Well I finally got the firewire required to download video, and since Cai is high on our minds, I thought I'd show you the video of when Virginia discovered that we were being offered Cai for adoption.
I awoke at 0100 on June 24 to give Tri is feeding. For some reason I couldn't sleep and so hopped on the computer to check email. There was a message from Helene, at TDH Ontario. It said
"I have just gotten off the phone with Dorinda (she is on holiday’s as I mentioned); we are very happy to let you know that we are proposing a girl to you from Vung Tau II."
I was pretty excited and would have liked to have awoken Virginia right away, but she was in need of her sleep. She had been looking after Tri all by herself for some time, and I was still relatively fresh. I decided that I'd like to capture her reaction on film. Knowing that she would do the early morning feeding and possibly check her email, I loosened the telephone cord from the ADSL modem so that the internet wouldn't work.
Sure enough when I awoke, she told me the internet wasn't working. So I did my magic (I teach computers don't you know) and plugged the telephone cord back in. The following is her reaction (note - Virginia would like to say that I share this video against her wishes. It is not her best fashion moment) :

The funny thing is, it wasn't till later that she realized that I had already known. I would have thought that given that I had the camera on her, she would have clued in, but clearly her head space was somewhere else! :)
In other news, I got some more information today from one of the Dr's at the hospital. I found out that she has been on two antibiotics for 25 days. One of them (Vanco or Vancocylin) is described as a "drug of last resort". So that doesn't sound too good. Yesterday or today, they have stopped her on these two drugs, and placed her on another antibiotic that she now takes orally.

The head Dr was not available today. When I suggested to the Dr that perhaps she would be less susceptible to infection if we could get her into a private room either at this hospital or FV Hospital (the preferred option), he said we would have to speak to the chief Dr.

My plan is to speak with him tomorrow and I am hoping that by asking the following questions we can get her over to the FV hospital:
1. Do you think if we could get Cai into a private room, she would be less susceptible to infection? (answer is obviously yes).
2. Do you have a private room available her? (the answer is no...they do, but not one that has oxygen available and she is still on oxygen).
3. Do you think then that perhaps she would be better off if we were to move her to FV Hospital? (the answer should obviously be yes)
4. Do you think you could speak to the director of the orphanage and tell her that this is what you recommend?

At this point, it really is about the sterile environment. That and the fact that if she was in FV Hospital, the nanny could go home and one of us could stay at the hospital and look after her. The hospital is a 20 minute walk from where we are staying. If he agrees with the above I plan to ask him if our paediatrician can come over so that he is familiar with her records. For example I don't even know if it is safe to move her since she is on oxygen.
Oh yes, I also asked if it was possible to get oxygen at home, but they said it had to be administered by a Dr 24 hours a day.

Will write tomorrow on the results of our efforts. In the mean time, here is a short clip of Cai in hospital.


  1. Awe, that is so sweet! Love the maple leaf, tee-hee! Fingers are crossed here for Cai...she does seem to be eating well still eh?!

  2. hey john and ginny! ive been keeping up with the blog and am very excited to meet my new cousins. Im very excited for both of u as well being new parents and wish you good luck lol. i also hope cai is okay

    hope to see you soon(Tri and Cai too)
