Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This is the title suggested to me by Virginia. I didn't mean to leave people hanging on the last post. I totally meant to update it after the conversation. I can't remember exactly what happened, though I think Virginia quickly updated me on the news which wasn't much. Essentially we had to wait for the doctors assessment today. Virginia was in with Cai today when they removed the Oxygen. They brought in a meter to measure % oxygen in the blood. Virginia watched the monitor as the % decreased from 95% to 90% to 85% to 80%. At that point as Cai turned blue (just joking), they decided that she needed to stay on Oxygen.......sad news! So where does that leave her? Still in the hospital. Tomorrow we will be meeting Loan at the hospital. I don't know what to expect. It is possible that she will be there to arrange movement of Cai to the closer, more sterile hospital, but that may just be wishful thinking.

Back to why we didn't update the blog after the conversation. The staff at Paris cafe just adore Tri. They all wanted to hold him. They passed him around and they were all taking photos of him with their cell phones. So Virginia got a photo of the staff holding Tri. I wanted to title this entry "One of us has turned into the mother we used to laugh about" but she preferred the title I have used. Because Virginia was very nervous as they passed him around. She was incredibly anxious!


  1. Booo, that is sad news. I'm sending you guys an e-hug (((((HUG)))) and positive thoughts to Cai to get better soon!

    Who can blame people when they want to hold Tri, he is just so darn handsome!!

  2. Sorry to hear the news on Cai. Let us know when you know more. We're thinking of you.

    Very cute new pictures of Tri. We wish we could see him in person, but keep posting videos when you can.

    Christopher loved the Little Purple reference, by the way.

    Love to all of you guys.
    Brent, Liz and Christopher

  3. It's a good thing you added that the photo is at Paris Cafe - I was reading about Cai looking at the photo, thinking that was the hospital in the photo. It was bad enough people lining the hallways getting changed, and sleeping under the cribs - but the wine bottles on the walls ... I thought 'no wonder they want to get her out of there'.

  4. John and Virginia!! I am just blown away!! I found out through Tom Bartlett that you had a blog, and just spent the last hour with Tika looking over my shoulder catching up on the past month of your adventure in Vietnam. Holy Crap!! Two kids, and BEAUTIFUL kids at that!! A huge congrats from the Grahams in Jakarta...can't wait to see them in person!!

    Good luck with everything over there, and I hope Cai gets well soon!! You guys are amazing!

    By the way, hope you don't mind, but I provided a link to your blog on my photo blog...

    Cheers...and I will be one of your daily readers.

