Saturday, July 19, 2008

Holmes' Homeless in Ho Chi Minh!!!

Well, it's less than a week away, and Wendy and Jim, who so graciously lent us their apartment will be returning.  Although they offered to let us stay before they left, we wouldn't wish our family presence of four on anyone.  So we've been desperately searching for a new place to call home.

We got word from our agency that the giving and receiving ceremony probably won' take place till Aug 14 or thereabouts.  Then we still need to arrange for the kids passports (and possibly Canadian citizenship) before leaving the country.

We've considered the possibility of a hotel, but we really think we need more space, a washing machine, and some self catering facilities would be pretty nice as well.  The residence that Virginia stayed in before I arrived, The Summerset Serviced Apartements are great, however, the price tag of $170 /night plus tax is a little unweildy.

Other serviced apartments seem to be commanding a similar price tag.

Vung Tau is an option as the serviced apartments there are only $75 /night + tax and they will give us a monthly rate of $1500 /month.  However, it is in Vung Tau, and we think that we'd prefer to stay here in Ho Chi Minh.

This park in the middle of Ho Chi Minh has it's appeals.

Here, Virginia is scouting a street corner with Tri.  He thought it was a good option, but Cai would here nothing of it and even refused to pose for the photo.

Finding a regular apartment is challenging.  Most want a minimum of 6 month rental.  We found one place (a sublet for two months) that we thought would be ideal.  But then the landlord wasn't too keen on having two children in the place. 

The good news is we have a lead on an apartment that is close to where we are now.  I suggested to Virginia that perhaps if I could close it tomorrow, that would be an ideal 40th birthday present.  She however, seems to think that we're getting a place to live no matter what, so it's not really birthday material......

I'm off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys; watch out for the photo requirements of a Canadian passport. I wasn't able to find a passport photographer who prints on the kind of paper they want (you have to go to a professional photographer).
