Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Staying Longer in Vietnam

I think John John has already mentioned this before, but it looks like we will be staying in Vietnam for another month. This is no one's fault and it is necessary, but boy, do I wish it wasn't true. Sadly, John will be leaving me to go back to school for a while; I am not so excited about this, as you can imagine. Two infants are a HANDFUL (cute, lovely, but a handful) and being in a strange country with no friends and no possibility of ever understanding the language can be draining.

Tonight emphasized this point and I had to laugh - one by one, our children threw up on us and EVERYTHING ELSE. It was almost as if they planned it, the little monkeys. So, while we are still deleriously happy to have our little angels, we are getting pretty tired and feeling a little drained. It will be so nice to go home, to our stuff, get into our routine and surround ourselves with friends.

We do, however, now have a new apartment to stay in: that is a load off. It is a new place, near the apartment we are in. We like this because we know the area and there are nice streets to walk on. The landlords are wonderful!! They are letting us stay (without a lease) for as long as we need to. They are so sympathetic to our situation that they are supplying the sheets, pots and pans, plates, etc. This will make it easier.
And so, John leaves on August 1st.
Send your good vibes this way: I am going to need them.
When it gets tough, I will try to remember to laugh!!


  1. Hi, you may have already thought of this, but if not, I thought I'd mention that when we were in Vietnam last time, adopting for the 2nd time, there was a family also adopting their 2nd child who hired Loan's cousin to help out with their kids while they were there. If you would like any more details, please email me .

  2. Oh yes I agree with Margaret! Try and hire some help if you can. Your sanity will thank you!!

  3. We will miss you in August, Virginia!! Hurry back and good luck with your two babies....I agree, get a temporary pembantu to help you out...bet you can't wait to get back to Indonesia with all the household help we have here....



  4. It always amazed me what Katya coped with when our two boys were very young like yours (I sometimes had week-long business trips). Its daunting, but manageable. Best thing is, just as you get a routine, kids grow a bit and throw you new challenges (and throw things)! You'll do just fine (with or without hired help). I hope your flat doesn't have carpets (we tore all ours out and put down laminate flooring -- nice looking and easy to clean!).
