Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Cai

Happy Birthday, Cai

Cai turned 8 months today, and she celebrated by not imbibing at all. We’re having great difficulty getting her take her evening (just before bedtime) bottle. Tonight Virginia is very stressed as a result (possibly related to the fact that she is the one on call tonight ~ funny how I seem not to be bothered by it…tonight at least).
Here is a video of Cai and Tri as they watch “The Big Blue House”. Every evening the kids get from 10 – 30 min of a video. And while the kids may not yet understand the meaning of “no” they do seem to know that when the television comes on, they should stop whatever it is they are doing. In the video Tri has a warm hand for his 8 month old sister. It’s really not that exciting, but gives you a glimpse at what they look like today.

In the second video, we catch a glimpse of Tri in the bathtub. Over the last week he has started pulling himself up to a standing position providing he has something of low height to prop himself up with (a pillow, my leg while sitting, etc). Well today this happened for the first time in the bathtub. Bath time suddenly became a little more challenging. I couldn’t quite get him to replicate the initial act (I tried, but you might hear a few thoughts from Virginia on my attempts to capture the footage versus sitting ready to catch him if/when he falls). But I think this short series of clips will give you a bit of an idea. Pay careful attention to the last few frames of the video! OUCH!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys love the videos! It's so cool having a baby slightly than yours, I get to see all the stuff he'll be doing next before he does it! They look wonderful btw, you must be doing an awesome job!! : O )
