Thursday, September 3, 2009

Swimming in the Pool

Well it's been a long time since I've posted. The kids are growing up fast and time is flying by. This year, I have a new job (Technology Integration Specialist) at JIS, and I am finding that I am very busy and that the days are going by very quickly.
But we do have time to play with our kids every day. We've discovered that the playground at our elementary school is fabulous. They leave bins around with toys. So we cycle (that is until this morning when we discovered our two bicycles were stolen from our front porch) to school with the kids in the bike seats and we play in the playground. They love to play with all the toys designed for sand (sifters and sand wheels, shovels and pails). There are also lots of slides (bigger than the ones we have at home). Our kids are very brave and love to climb up high and slide down.
If we don't go to the playground, we go for a swim. The kids are getting to be very good swimmers. Tri has picked it up a little faster than Cai, but they're both progressing quickly. Below is a 4 minute video of the kids swimming, and jumping in the pool.
We filmed in high definition, but at the moment I'm not having much luck uploading HD to YouTube, so for now, it's just the regular quality.


  1. Isn't the net wonderful! We can all peek in and see the two of you and your gorgeous children growing up so far away!

  2. hi ginny i love tri and cai o yeah i'm not in school yet :) i miss you all also i'm getting bunk beds and the best part is the bottom bed is also a couch love robbie

  3. Oh my gosh! How big the kids are! What a difference a few months make. Good to see you all doing so well. Hope you'll be posting a bit more regularly now. :)

