Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cai Turns One Today

Happy Birthay, Cai.
Cai has been teething the last week so she's been sleeping with us. So we awoke to find a one year old girl in our bed, for the first time ever. When Tri awoke, we brought him in and recorded her first few awake moments as a one year old.
We're off to the beach house ( after school today to spend a week with our friends Eric and Kathy and their two kids.
The video below is from this morning.


  1. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!


  2. Happy belated birthday Cai (and for that matter, Tri!!). Hey's been a while. They are both looking amazing, great job on the parenting. ;o) Guys...can you please e-mail me with your new e-mail address. I've tried e-mailing Virginia's g-mail account and it wouldn't go through. I have some news for you....
