Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen (drum roll, please)........................  Tri Franklin Holmes HAS A TOOTH! Okay, so maybe it isn't as exciting to the rest of you, but to those of us with no adults to talk to, it is monumental! I did a major happy dance in Tri's honour! The only sad thing is that his daddy had to hear about it on skype and that he wasn't here to see it. Don't worry, daddy - there are more on their way!
In other news, mommy is very, very tired. So this is going to be a short blog: Cai and mommy were up all night last night. Poor Cai had a horrible reaction to her first vaccine - fever, sore spot and a rash. It was awful and the sweet little thing could not bear to be out of my arms. And so we sat and talked softly all night. She finally fell asleep around 5am, but only for an hour.
The day went a little better and she seemed a lot better before she went to bed - almost our same old sweet, smiling Cai. Here she is having a little cozy play time before bed.
Man, we have wonderful kids!


  1. Umm, I think that's your fingernail, not a tooth!

  2. Alright, Holmes! You are herby barred from commenting if you are going to use sarcasm! Did I say we missed you? :) Oh, okay, we do!

  3. hi virginia
    john texted me yesterday the great news and link to this site.
    what can I say other than WOW!! how wonderful for you!! Although I can realise how tough it is with 2 handsful out there on your own...take care and love to see you all soon in Jakarta!
    Corine, Marnix and Rik

  4. Hi
    Something I learned (maybe it was child # 2, or vaccine #2) - give the maximum dose of either tylenol or advil - BEFORE you get the vaccine, and every 4-6 hours afterward(whatever the max dose is for 48 hours) !! That is advise from the mother, not the nurse.
    Love 'Aunt Karen'

  5. I agree with Karen. Can you get the liquid Tylenol or Advil there? And woo-hoo Tri! Was he fussy when it came out? You can give it for teething too. Apparently they sometimes get fevers for that too.

  6. I so wish I was there with you!!!!! I miss those days (believe it or not). I think I'm ready to have grandkids - BUT - my kids aren't ready to be parents.
    Love Karen
