Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bumper Cars and Chinese New Year

I'm in Kuala Lumpur for the week becoming certified as a "Smart Board Trainer". So it's nice that I've got my laptop full of photos and videos of the kids. The first just shows the kids as they scoot around the house in their walkers. You'll notice that Cai is waving as she is going in and out of the curtain because mommy is goodbye...she seems to know to wave goodbye.

The 2nd video is just a quick glimpse into "Chinese New Year" festivities. It's shot from our balcony looking across the street at our neighbours. They had a dragon dance in honour of the end of Chinese New Year. One tradition is envelopes full of money are handed out to children (and dragons it would appear). Cai and Tri each received Rp 10,000 in their envelopes from Kathy Nesteroff. In the video, you'll see a woman swinging a bamboo pole with an envelope attached at the end. The dragon tries to grab as many of these envelopes as it can.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I wish they sold those walkers in Canada, they look like a blast! (Too bad the idiots here don't know not to use them near stairs!)
